BMW Museum

BMW MuseumThe BMW Museum is located right next to the BMW Headquarters and the BMW Welt and can be accessed directly from the latter via a bridge. With its distinctive architecture in the shape of a futuristic silver bowl the museum is another modern landmark of the city. Viewed from above, it displays the BMW logo. It opened to the public in 1972 and was restored and extended while the BMW Welt was being built and it reopened in 2008, now with an exhibition area of 5.000 m2.

The museum houses a standing exhibition next to a special and a temporary exhibition. It is dedicated to the BMW company's history and its technical achievements, ranging from the exhibition of 120 of BMW's most precious vehicles to the display of motors, turbines, and other developments of one of Germany's most successful automakers.

A very relaxed atmosphere, state-of-the-art museography, and many historical and special cars and motorcycles worth seeing make the BMW Museum a must for any car enthusiast but also a nice place to visit for the whole family.

BMW Museum
Am Olympiapark 2
80809 München
(Parking: at BMW Welt)
Phone: +49 - (0)89 - 125 01 60 01

Opening Hours
Tue - Sun, public holidays 10 am - 6 pm
Closed on Mondays, 01 January, 24 - 26 December and 31 December
Latest entrance: 30 minutes before closure

For more information visit the official website of the BMW Museum.


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